Head of the "Electric Power Engineering" Department of Karakalpak State University, PhD, associate professor

Reymov Kamal


  • Stajirovka o‘tab kelgan vaqti: 2022-07-01 - 2022-08-30

The winner of the competition for sending young scientists to internships which is held by the Ministry of Innovative Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Head of the "Electric Power Engineering" Department of Karakalpak State University, PhD, associate professor Kamal Reymov  underwent a scientific internship which was conducted at  "NTTS FSK EES" JSC under the scientific guidance of prof. D.I. Panfilov in July-August, 2022 in Moscow city of Russian Federation.


"NTTS FSK EES" JSC is considered a leading research organization in the field of electric power, provides engineering services and implements practical work on the introduction of innovative technologies in the field. At the same time, it carries out activities in the areas of testing and certification of electrical technological devices, designing electrical networks.


During the scientific internship funded by the Fund for Financing Science and Innovation Support, Kamal Reymov first held a meeting with the management of JSC "NTTs FSK EES" and discussed the tasks to be performed during the internship. A presentation of the scientific-research work and internship program conducted at TDTU was present. They got acquainted with scientific laboratories and ongoing scientific projects at MTU MEI Institute of Electric Power, and discussed the prospects of joint projects.


During the internship in the direction of "Innovative technologies and energy efficiency",  Kamal Reymov worked on innovative technologies and energy efficiency, design and engineering, testing and certification, production of innovative devices, independent assessment of skills, and FACTS, STATCOM in the department of "Intelligent power grids", which are the main areas of activity of the center. participated in the production and testing of devices.


During the scientific internship, scientific research was conducted in the direction of introducing intelligent control systems in the consumer electricity supply system.