Acting Associate Professor of the Department "Architectural Design" of the Tashkent University of Architecture and Construction

Nazarenko Tatyana

St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Construction, Russian Federation

Acting Associate Professor of the Department "Architectural Design" of the Tashkent University of Architecture and Construction Nazarenko Tatyana became the winner of the competition organized by the Ministry of Innovative Development in 2022 to send young scientists to leading foreign scientific organizations for short-term scientific internships and passed a scientific internship in September-October 2022 in St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Construction.


During the scientific internship, research was carried out on the topic: "Formation of green spaces in multi-storey residential buildings." In particular, conversations were held with university teachers: the head of the department "Architectural design" Surovenkov A.V., associate professor Perov V.F., Devyatova Yu.A., Kokorina O.G., information was also received for further research.


Nazarenko T.V. was registered in the scientific library of University, its electronic database and the database for researchers, as well as for the period of scientific internship Tatyana Vasilievna was registered in the National Library of Russia, where the necessary information on architectural and planning principles was collected, and a review of existing literature was carried out. On the basis of collected information an article was written on the topic: "Architectural and planning principles for designing green spaces in the structure of a multi-storey residential building", which was sent for publication in Scopus.


Additionally, Nazarenko T.V. attended various classes in the department "Architectural design", took part in the evaluation of projects of students of the 2nd and 3rd year. She also attended lectures given by leading architects of the city of St. Petersburg and various excursions organized by the University.