Senior lecturer at the Department of Mining and Processing of Ores of Rare and Radioactive Metals of the Navoi State Mining Institute

Khamidov Sukhrob

Belarusian National Technical University

  • Stajirovka o‘tab kelgan vaqti: 2022-09-20 - 2022-11-11

Sukhrob Khamidov, senior lecturer at the Department of Mining and Processing of Ores of Rare and Radioactive Metals of the Navoi State Mining Institute, won the competition organized by the Ministry of Innovative Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan and successfully completed a scientific internship from September 20 to November 11 at the Belarusian National Technical University in Minsk, Republic of Belarus.


This internship was funded by the Fund for Financing Science and Innovation Support.


During the scientific internship, researcher S. Khamidov updated his theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of mining and processing of ores of rare and radioactive metals, studied advanced methods for solving problems in this area, improved knowledge and skills in the field of “Radiation safety and environmental protection”. In addition, he intensively researched the issues of increasing attention to the protection of the environment from radiation hazards. He also studied the work of modern scientific and technical equipment in scientific laboratories and, having received high qualifications, is currently continuing his studies at the Navoi State Mining Institute.


During a scientific internship in Belarus, S.B. Khamidov, in collaboration with professors and teachers of the Belarusian National Technical University, exchanged information and held joint lectures. Having visited various scientific centers, industrial enterprises, research institutes, technoforums, museums and libraries of the country, he got acquainted with the scientific potential of Belarus.