Mass spectrometer

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    Mass spectrometer


    This equipment is designed for automated measurement of the mass spectra of the studied substances. Used in various physical and chemical studies in biochemistry, pharmaceuticals, physical chemistry, chemistry of synthetic polymers. Mass spectrometers are used in laboratories of industrial enterprises, educational institutions, research centers, etc. These are automated measuring systems consisting of an ion source, a mass analyzer, a vacuum chamber and a personal computer. Ionization is carried out using laser radiation. With the help of the equipment it is possible to perform programmable scanning of samples with high productivity (up to 380 per 1 load). The procedures are controlled by a computer with software that allows you to set the parameters and control the analysis modes, determine the measurement results, visualize the obtained data (tables, graphs, etc.).


    High quality desktop system


    Equipped with a gridless reflector, the mass spectrometer provides excellent resolution, first-class mass measurement accuracy, and unsurpassed sensitivity for a wide range of applications.

    The mass spectrometer represents a new milestone in the development of benchtop systems, while maintaining the reliability and ease of use of the entire Microflex mass spectrometer series. The comprehensive performance system is capable of determining a wide range of masses in the analysis of small molecules, polymers, proteins and protein analytes.