Multipurpose X-ray diffractometer

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    Multipurpose X-ray Diffractometer


    The Universal X-ray Diffractometer is a versatile high-precision vertical goniometric X-ray diffractometer, unique in its capabilities for scientific research and analytical control in industry. Solves all problems of X-ray diffractometry.

    The Empyrean X-ray Diffractometer is PANalytical's latest innovation with a system of fully calibrated optical modules capable of solving every possible X-ray diffraction problem today.

    For the first time in diffraction studies, the technology of "tomographic" scanning of a sample was used, which allows "seeing" it in any plane and showing a three-dimensional projection of the internal structure of the sample.

    Modular design, PreFIX platform

    As in previous models of PANAlytic diffractometers, the layout of all optical modules was developed on a single PANAlytic development - the PreFIX platform (Pre-aligned Fast replaceable X-ray modules), where all modules are pre-calibrated and implemented at the factory. Does not require smoothing. Also, no configuration is required when using the modules on other Empyrean systems.

    The PreFIX platform allows you to change all optical modules without exception (including primary and secondary optics) as quickly and easily as possible. Thus, powders, crystals, textures, stresses, films, surfaces, etc. can be easily measured sequentially in one diffractometer by simply changing the corresponding prefix.

    There is no need to buy a new system for a new task - you just need to buy the appropriate modules. You really get a completely new diffractometer with no limits on completeness of analysis and / or sensitivity.

    Brief description of the diffractometer

    The diffractometer has a classic powder layout and a special modification using a large number of optical modules: parabolic and focal mirrors, Bartel monochromators, hybrid monochromators, monocapillary and polycapillary optics, triaxial oscillating optics for analysis, fixed and programmable slits, a plane-parallel collimator, etc.).

    Areas of use

    A single diffractometer is capable of performing all X-ray diffraction tasks:

    • Classic phase analysis with the highest detection speed and accuracy;
    • Determination of unit cell parameters, improvement;
    • Determination of phases by layers;
    • Microdiffraction;
    • Texture analysis, construction of polar figures;
    • Determination of stresses and sizes of crystallites;
    • Analysis of thin and ultrathin films, multilayer coatings;
    • Analysis of epitaxial films, higher order structures, analysis of rocking curves, construction of cross-spatial maps, assessment of the perfection of structures;
    • Analysis of single crystals;
    • Reflectometry, determination of thickness and density of layers;
    • Analysis of nanoscale powders and materials;
    • Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering SAXS (Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering), nanoparticle size distribution analysis;
    • Diffraction in the plane (diffraction in the plane);
    • Research under extreme processing conditions;
    • Determination of phase transitions when changing the parameters of the crystalline nanostructure;
    • Сluster analysis;
    • Tomographic scanning, construction and display of 3D projections of the internal structure of substances (defectoscopy).